About Me

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I am a Jill of all trades , SAHM and lover of all crafts. I think my middle name is Creating :) Each day I try to invision some new detail or put together some stiches I have never done before for a new look. I can`t wait to see what tomorrow will bring . Feel free to leave a comment and let me know how I am doing.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have always loved Daisies .

The common daisy , also known as the English, European or lawn daisy, is a popular rock garden or edging plant, but it is also considered to be a weed in some areas.

Daisies are typically ray-shaped with red, white or pink petals and yellow centers. Some white flowers are pink on the petal tips. Double-bloom variations also exist.

Daisies are very prolific, and where conditions are favorable, they can escape into gardens and lawns.

In my garden we have Yellow .


  1. Is this a picture of your own
    flowers ??/ they look so perfect !
    My daisies are not so pretty .

    Mary M.

  2. Yes Mary , Those are real flowers from my garden :) I love them !

  3. OMG these photos are unreal ! Your flowers are just beautiful, you captured the flowers so perfect ! Not a sign of a wilted petal any where.

    bea T.
